Today, Industry Transparency Center (ITC), the strategy and insights firm serving the dietary supplement and natural products industry, announced the winners of its first annual TRUSTYs awards. The TRUSTYs award is the culmination of efforts by Industry Transparency Center to develop a database of contract manufacturer capabilities, expertise, and their track record in market. The 2022 ‘Traditional Format’ award is going to Gemini Pharmaceuticals, and Smart Cups won for the ‘Novel Format’ category.

“We at ITC have long been focused on supply chain transparency and best practices,” said ITC CEO Len Monheit. “One area that has traditionally been opaque and non-differentiated is contract manufacturing and manufacturing services and we at ITC are committed to providing transparency and differentiating tools. The TRUSTYs helps bring contract manufacturers out of the shadows and honors those that are higher quality, more transparent and in fact differentiated.”

Contract manufacturers were evaluated based on an extensive list of criteria surrounding capabilities and format, certifications, audit history, industry engagement, interviews with industry experts, etc. The ‘Traditional Format’ award considered overall capabilities in capsules, tablets and softgels, company history, industry feedback and FDA inspection results along with industry engagements. Although this section of the award was close, Gemini Pharmaceuticals stood out based on their record, industry certifications, strong engagement and the outcomes of interviews.

“Gemini Pharmaceuticals is deeply honored to be chosen by Industry Transparency Center as the first ever recipient of their Traditional Contract Manufacturers Award. For years, Gemini has provided a foundation of openness and transparency through all aspects of manufacturing and supply chain with our business partners. Our customer’s appreciation for this partnership has led to our incredible growth and many shared successes. Through the efforts of key industry stakeholders like ITC who are determined to bring this industry to the next level, it’s clear the tolerance within industry for accepting things done behind closed doors is finally over” stated Michael Finamore, Gemini CEO.

In the ‘Novel Format’ category, ITC looked for for novelty, applicability, industry impact and a sense of added value. Smart Cups received the award based on their delivery optimization, accessibility/environmental impact, and applicability across several ingredient categories.

“We are honored to receive a Trusty Award in recognition of Smart Cups Technology’s patented delivery system, which uses our proprietary technology to enable the printing of ingredients on any surface. While the technology was commercialized first in the beverage industry, Smart Cups’ aim is to create a new standard of environmentally conscious products across all industries, ultimately resulting in a more sustainable future. We are grateful to be recognized as innovators and best in class by the Industry Transparency Center.” Chris Kanik, Smart Cups Founder and CEO.

ITC is making winner information available on its website and is committed to further develop transparency tools for the supplement industry, including deepening its contract manufacturer database. 

More to come!